No tails wagging here, because my favorite canine supply store, Tails Doggie Boutique, is closing at the end of the month.
Where will I go for my mani-pedis? What about my food? I might starve!
I'll miss Noreen, and Cam, and of course, that character Leroy. It's not going to be nearly as much fun in Wellesley Square without them.
Tails has been a must-stop for me ever since I arrived. Here's my route: in the back door at the Booksmith, out the front, stopping for treats at each counter, down the street straight toward Tails, where I steal a bone and careen out the front door until I reach the grassy space next to the library, where I chew my bone until it's all gone.
Life just isn't going to be the same. What's happening to Wellesley Square?