Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Fox and the Hound: The Best Christmas Gift of All

Scene: Early morning, Christmas Day. Lake Waban is awash in icy glitter. The path is nearly empty. But I smell something, then I spy it: Around the turn, by the rhododendron grove, a beautiful red fox. She and I stare at each other in mutual wonder, then I point. Rather than launch myself at her, I consider the holiday. And the lion shall lie down with the lamb…

After a few moments, she trots away and my family and I continue on. Then, the peace of the morning is rent by a scream: the rooster, less secure than I and of course interested in self-preservation, has alerted his team. He shrieks and shrieks.

According to the American King James Bible, Isaiah 11:6 actually says: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatted calf together; and a little child shall lead them” (italics mine). Nothing about a rooster.

When I get home, I attack my purchased Christmas gift, a stuffed lamb, and after I dismember it, I lie down with it, just like I should.