Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hoping Santa remembers the nice

Looking pretty decent in my Santa hat.
I can clean up real good, especially for a formal portrait. Lately I've been working on my manners. Here's how it happened: afternoon walks always seem to reach a midpoint at Petco Unleashed in Linden Square. The staff always is too kind to insist that just one cookie is enough, or that I might be baying too loudly.

But when Lynne saw Mom struggling mightily (as usual) with me, she suggested a training refresher and offered a free half-hour session. I went (although Mom didn't tell me why at first) and I didn't really mind. The deal is, you pretend to behave and get lots of free treats. You get to keep going back. As you can see from my Santa portrait, I can be both naughty and nice. Hoping that Santa will remember the nice on Christmas morning.