Monday, October 15, 2012

Spooky Cookies: best Halloween treats around!

I did my best beast imitation, sans costume, last week at Petco Unleashed on Linden Street—not only did I sample the free cookies at the counter, I demolished practically the entire contents of the bowl.

How long does she really expect me to sit  here?
I tried them, I liked them. I loved them. So when it came down to which cookies to choose at the bountiful treat bar, I went right for the bats, pumpkins and ghosts  (inside: a delectable peanut-molasses combo, plus some food coloring to make the pumpkins orange and the bats purple).  I'm so crazy about these things, I'm even coming when called. As long as there's a treat when I get there.

Way past time to take matters into my own jaws.
That is, if there are any left.